Katsojat rynnivät kentälle: Huuhkajien ja Ranskan tähdet eivät saaneet rauhaa – Teemu Pukin reaktio taltioitui kuviin4:40 Katso videolta Tulosruudun raportti Huuhkajien ottelusta Ranskaa vastaan. Julkaistu 17. 11. 2021 05:45 Joitakin katsojia pääsi ryntäämään kentälle Helsingin Olympiastadionilla tiistai-iltana käydyn Suomen ja Ranskan välisen jalkapallon MM-karsintaottelun jälkeen. Katsojia ehti hetken aikaa olla karkuteillä ennen kuin järjestyshenkilöt saivat heidät kiinni. Katsojien rynnistys kentälle tallentui lehtikuviin. Katsojia pääsi Ranskan tähtien Kylian Mbappén ja Kurt Zouman iholle.
All basic activities must be approved legally by a Parliament freely elected by European Citizens. In that sense, when making sure that the Commission and other institutions are working in an efficiently way, the Parliament’s profile should be higher than today. One factor seems to be the poor visibility of the European Parliament in the daily media in many countries. This weakens the feeling of many voters of the importance of the European 3 s. 340 Parliament and gives place for populism with anti-EU slogan-oriented rhetoric.
Benzeman näytösMaali oli Griezmannin maajoukkueuran 41. eli hän nousi jo Les Bleus -ikoni Michel Platinin rinnalle. Edessä ovat enää Olivier Giroud (46) ja Thierry Henry (51). Suomi jäi käytännössä paremman joukkueen jalkoihin. Vieraiden paras paikka tuli aivan ottelun loppuhetkillä, kun Pukki pääsi kasvokkain Hugo Lloris’n kanssa. VAR-tuomaristo katsoi tilanteen luupin läpi, mutta ei nähnyt samaa virhettä kuin Norwich-kärki.
Hradeckyn virheValitettavasti vain Ranska on futiksen hallitseva maailmanmestari. Se tarkoittaa, että jokaiselle pelipaikalle on tarjolla teknisesti suomalaiskollegoita taitavampi pelaaja. Vajaan puolen tunnin kohdalla Ranskan pitkä prässi kierrätti pallon Presnel Kimpembelle. Tämä ruokki Karim Benzemaa, joka jatkoi pallon yhdellä kosketuksella Antoine Griezmannille.
Kremlin sees the weakening of the EU as a victory. To add shortly, I welcome the French decision to activate the article 42. 7 of the Lisboa Treaty after the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015. What is the best institutional framework for the Eurozone, in order for it to function in the most efficient, transparent and democratic manner? Blueprint for a Political (federal) Union beginning with the Eurozone I am a partisan for a parliamentary way of life.
It was just in spring 2014, when Russia did annex Crimea. At the same time the Russian warfare in the eastern parts of Ukraine deepened in order to destabilize the country. * s. 338 And lately, Russia opened a war in Syria in September 2015 in order to bombard herself a big power foothold in the Middle East and to meet on a bipolar basis the U. S., like under the times of the Soviet Union. As a consequence of the Syrian civil war, since 2011, the djihadist terrorism, other kind of organized criminality and the high influx of refugees has destabilized the political situation inside European Union up to the Northern parts of it.
EU elää ja vahvistuu; Ranska vetovastuussa | Uusi Suomi PuheenvuoroOsallistuin vuosina 2014-2017 EU-komission laajaan Euroopan unionin tulevaisuustyöhön. Se perustui Eurooppa-neuvoston toimeksiantoon joulukuussa 2013. Komission puheenjohtaja José Barroso kääntyi Jean Monnet-yhtesön puoleen hankkeen toteuttamiseksi. Olin ainut suomalainen, joka sai kutsun osallistua siihen. Työn tuloksen syntyi Lissabon- ja Geneve-vetoisesti laaja artikkeliteos ”The Future of the European Union, 2017”, jossa on mukana minun näkemykseni tarpeellisesta EU:n kehityssuunnasta.
By this method in Finland, for instance, an anti-EU oriented party with populistic method, baptize by the party participants themselves as True Finns, Real Finns or Basic Finns, gathered support with empty slogans, like “Where the EU, there a problem”. The hard populism led to a situation where the face of that movement got the post of Foreign Minister in summer 2015. While it is obvious that an antiEU populistic Foreign Minister cannot be a representative of the grand majority of pro-EU. Finns, the popularity of that party has dropped dramatically down to under ten percent from a level of almost 20 percent during the parliamentary election in spring 2015.
The hard core of voters for that party seems to lay between six to nine percent. This reflects some general trends now in Europe. Meanwhile, new member candidates are seeking the membership of the Union and the Eurozone having new members. The European integration needs enlargement as well as periods to deepen the integration (élargir et approfondir). We have now obviously in hands strategically a period to deepen the integration. Besides the solidarity between the Union members in the field of Defence, it should be strengthened through deepening by European Parliament the common framework of budgetary and monetary politics. The Bank union is a step in good direction. There must be a controlled and responsible, certain balance between incomes and expenses.
I repeat that. The Foreign Affairs and Defence are thus in the key position when creating a solid framework for inside economic and social development. While knowing the story of European Army once ready in the paper during the early 1950’ and the current situation, the Defence matters must have a first priority. The organization on diplomacy of the EU seems to have started rather well, and the Ukrainian crisis has obviously deepened the solidarity. This said, I have to add right away that the refugee crisis has gone to an opposite direction.
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